Futurice.com UX Enhancement.

Researching, planning and implementing updates to Futurice.com in order to improve the user experience of the company's main target groups thereby enabling them to reach relevant information and gain an understanding of Futurice's service offering.

Case Futurice UX Enhancement Img 1
Case Futurice UX Enhancement Img 2

My project role

Co-lead the planning and implementation of user research, in order to understand the role of Futurice.com in the complex interaction between internal product development, marketing, and sales teams.

Map the user experience of futurice.com with external users through user tests and interviews.

Analyse and structure the documentation of user needs for futurice.com with recommendations for improvements.

Develope new improved UI designs using futurice.com's existing design system.

Closely work together with developers to implement the recommended changes in small sprint iterations.

Involved organisations