Ventilen. A redesign of

As part of the course Design for Digital Communication Platforms at ITU, my group and I worked on a redesign of the website Ventilen is a public and private funded national social organization that offers help and social resources to young adults between the age 15-25, who feel lonely. Ventilen has sixteen departments around Denmark with social “meeting spots” for the likeminded.

Case Ventilen - Example 1
Case Ventilen - Example 2


The redesign process consisted of three iteration phases where usability testing, wireframing and prototyping were used to analyse structural, navigational and visual problems that might exist within the redesign. The design is fully responsive using a grid system that works on all devices - although optimised for Google Chrome.

Case Ventilen - Example 3
Case Ventilen - Example 4

My project role

Planned, organised, and conducted usability testing, wireframing and prototyping of the Ventilen website redesign.

Developed the entire website from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Downloads & prototypes

Prototype (web)

Final report (PDF)

Team members

Anders Bach Pedersen

Kenneth Lundemann

Alexander Würtz Hansen

Emily Sode

Involved organisations